Blind Worshiper (Animated documentary)

Zeitgeist - Animated Documentary

initial sketches

initial sketches

Head Piece iterations

Head Piece iterations

Concept Art

Concept Art

This character design was based on Indonesian city called Ubud on the Bali island. Balinese people, in general, are very religious and "offering" is pretty big part of their daily life. Not only that they do very big ceremonies, couple of times a year, which people carry a high offerings on their head to please gods.

The audio file is from the interview that me and my mates recorded on the street.
Our topic was "Robots and Work ethic". Thanks to the guy who answered all of our annoying questions in great detail. :)

This is the very first animation that i started from scratch and did the whole pipeline alone. It was very challenging. Definitely learned a lot, hopefully will get better as i do more of these...